A Close Win at Home

We won our second game on Sunday. We beat Laguna Aro and are now 2-2 in the middle of the pack of our league. On Saturday we head back to Barcelona to play another team Joventut that is just outside the city. They are also 2-2, so it would be a good road win if we are able to get it. Games like this we need to win if we want to get to the mid season tournament, the Kings Cup, or the playoffs at the end of the year. Both tournaments take the top 8 teams of our league which has 18 teams. On Sunday I didn’t shoot the ball well and didn’t finish with a high evaluation but was ecstatic we were able to pull out the win. We were down by 7 at the half and came back to win by 2. They had a chance to win or tie at the buzzer but missed on multiple shots around the basket. I finished with 9 points on the afternoon. I am told that I lead the league in free throws made so far and near the top in fouls received. 

We haven’t done a whole lot lately at home besides watch movies and shows. Erin has been cooking some great meals. We’ve gone on a few walks around our neighborhood which is very hilly and full of great views of the golf course and surrounded by mountains in the distance. Today we went to the mall after practice with one of my teammates, David, and his wife, Tiwi. While we were there we decided to experience something new and get our feet cleaned by fish. We put our feet in a small tank and little fish covered our feet and eat away at the dead skin and calluses. It felt like a thousand vibrations on your feet and tickled at first but we got used to it. We also went to a nice Spanish restaurant near our home with David and Tiwi where we at a huge pan of paella. It was delicious. I am posting a picture of it. 

We are looking forward to Erin’s parents coming to visit in less than a month. They are arriving in mid november and spending Thanksgiving with us. It will be great to have some visitors here. At this time I think the items I miss the most from Iowa are normal traffic lights (I’m tired of roundabouts already), timmy flynns (shirt is on at the moment), english movie theaters and a burrito spot (I would kill some pancheros or chipotle if I had the chance!)


Adios mi amigos






3 thoughts on “A Close Win at Home

  1. Hi Matt
    Glad to see things are going well for you, while my son and I are going to miss watching you at Carver this year I know you will always be moving to a next level.
    Hope your getting in some golf too!!
    Mark Cullen

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