Buzzer Beater At Valencia

Well hello there. I know it has been a while since I posted on here. I’m like Pete Rose going into the hall of fame…long over due… Anyways.. We had a huge win on Saturday on the road at Valencia. We won on a buzzer beater with .7 seconds left on an out of bounds play. I am including the link to the game with highlights so you can check it out if you would like to. It was nice we were able to knock them off at the buzzer because they did the same to us at home in the second game of the year a few months back. On Saturday I played pretty well scoring 21 points, which all came in the second half. I was disappointed I missed a couple of free throws down the stretch but think that made it all that much better when I saw the final shot go in to win. We are 8-11 now sitting right in the middle of the league with a few other teams. We have won back to back road games which is a nice accomplishment and play a team this Sunday at home whom we beat earlier in the season. The team has a couple familiar faces in Robbie Hummel from Purdue and William Bufford from Ohio State. It is always nice to see some guys you know and catch up with them. Hopefully I can give Robbie some payback for his boilermakers beating the hawks a few nights ago in West Lafayette.

Not much is new here in Spain off of the court. Erin’s parents Dion and Lana visited over Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun having them here and eating a nice turkey feast after we finally found a bird we wanted. My family visited over the Christmas and New Years period as well which was great to see them and spend some quality time with them. They took Erin to Barcelona for a few days while I had practice so they got to see the main attractions. 

Erin and I stayed a night in Madrid a couple weekends ago after we beat a team on a Saturday night just outside of the city. We didn’t do a whole lot besides eat and go to a Starbucks…the little things in life. There is a chance we might get some days off this following week as we don’t play for 14 days and we are planning on going to Paris for 3 nights if we do. Its only a two hour flight from our airport. Ill have to make sure to blog after that if it does happen. Erin’s birthday is Tuesday as well so a trip to Paris could be a good way to celebrate the ol ball and chain turning 24. Dont tell her I said that..

Hope all is well across the pond and that everyone is having a nice start to the new year. 

Here is the link for our game highlights


8 thoughts on “Buzzer Beater At Valencia

  1. following you in Cape Town, saw the game, keep ’em coming as your Dad says….will be back in Spain mid March, we WILL get together at some stage !! Enjoy Paris, Adios !!

  2. Hey Matt: I saw you had an AWESOME game on Sunday. How fun! We check up on the team weekly. Kelsey had such a great time with you and Erin. Thanks for letting her stay! Love and kisses to the birthday girl! Hope you get the trip to Paris in! – Sam

  3. Hi Matt, Nice to get an update from you, on the blog. I’ve been able to follow a lot of what you and the team have accomplish, by going to the team web page. Your Dad keeps me updated as well. On your next blog writing you should sent the link to that five minute highlight and interview that was done on you——I didn’t understand a word you said. Have a great time in Paris and Happy 24th to Erin!

  4. Hi Matt, Im a huge hawkeye fan and I accidentaly found your blog on the web. It’s really nice to see you keep playing basketball. I really enjoyed Hawkeyes game this year but it’d only be better if you were still playing @ CHA with this talent team. Wish you all the best

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