
The past few weeks we have been training and playing pre season games in Kaunas, Lithuania and a few surrounding cities. It has been a cool experience seeing a part of the world I never would have imagined going. Practices have been going well as we continue to improve each day and figure each other out the more we get to play together. We have won every game but one so far this pre season. The game we lost to was against a quality team that plays in the Euroleague from Riga, Latvia. It was a very close game as we lost by one point in the end. In a recent game against a team from Lithuania I shot the ball well making 6 three pointers as we won by 14 points. I’m excited to get the real season going and start competing in the Ukrainian Superleague and the Eurocup competition in which we will travel all around Europe.

Life off the court has been relaxing as we spend most of the time in the Best Western Hotel which has been our home for 12 days now. The three other americans and myself have gone to three movies so far while we have been here. We saw 2 Guns, Elysium and Riddick. We are lucky that they show movies in English here! I thought Elysium was a good one while the other two were pretty average at best. We are talking about going bowling at the mall as well one of these days soon. We head back to Ukraine on the 16th so our days here in Lithuania are coming to an end and it will be back to our home in Yuzhne. I am told we should get our apartments when we get back so I am looking forward to see where we’ll be living for the next 8 months or so.

Erin will be arriving in Ukraine in a little over a week. Cannot wait to see her and start our new adventure together over here in a different place. Not to mention some of her great cooking which I have obviously been missing and craving!

I have been knocking out a lot of time by watching shows and reading. I am currently reading Eleven Rings by Phil Jackson. It has been good read so far about his career and philosophies in coaching the Bulls and Lakers. I recently finished the series The Wire. I highly suggest this show as it is incredibly well done about the streets, police and politics of inner city Baltimore. The show tackles many issues about real life. I also started to watch the show The League which is a comedy series about a group of guys in a fantasy football league. It is perfect timing to watch this show as I am currently in two fantasy leagues in which I am proudly 0-2…Thanks Cam Newton.

This morning we had time off so I went with one of my teammates, Paul Delaney who played at UAB and has been playing overseas for a few years now, to an old concentration camp and political prison turned museum named Ninth Fort. It was about a ten minute cab ride outside the town and a real interesting experience. We didn’t have time to go inside the vaults to where they kept the prisoners but we walked around outside the grounds and got some good photos. They have a huge monument they built in the 1980’s to remember all the victims. The monument is over 32 meters tall and has some incredible features of faces and other details. There was also a field where over 50,000 victims were buried. This was definitely like something I had never seen before and I’m glad we were able to go check it out while we were here. Ill post some photos below of the day.

Hope the Hawks can beat State Saturday. Need it. Interesting site my friend showed me.

Nice try clones


chains and shells from guns

chains and shells from guns



me in front of monument

me in front of monument



plaque stating "way of death"

plaque stating “way of death”



plaque stating 50,000 buried

plaque stating 50,000 buried

plaque honoring jewish victims where 30,000 buried

plaque honoring jewish victims where 30,000 buried

sign by wall where they mass murdered victims

sign by wall where they mass murdered victims

area of mass murder

area of mass murder




New Season

Time for a new season. This year I am playing for Khimik basketball club in Ukraine. We will be playing in the Ukrainian Superleague as well as Eurocup competition. Eurocup competition means we will be traveling all over Europe playing against some of the top teams over here. The groups for Eurocup have not been released yet so we don’t know exactly who we will play in the first round or where we will travel. They are supposed to be released in October I believe. I’m looking forward to being able to play twice a week this year and see more of Europe at the same time.
I’ve enjoyed my new team and coaches so far. We had 2 and a half weeks of training camp in Liepaja, Latvia where we did outdoor running as well as practice and weight sessions. The city is on the coast of the Baltic Sea. We also played two friendly games against local teams in which we won.
After that we traveled to Ukraine to our hometown in Yuzhne. Here we had a week of practices and preparation. Yuzhne is a very small town of about 25,000 people on the coast of the Black Sea. We are about 40 minutes away from Odessa which is a very large tourist city around 1.3 million people.
This past Friday we traveled to Kaunas, Lithuania for 2 weeks of games and practices. The city seems very nice and has strong history from World War 2 with one of the largest concentration camps. Will be interesting to walk around on our days off. The mall is large and modern with English movies! Looking forward to hopefully catching a couple while we are here.
We had our first game here last night against a Russian team in which we won by 12. Our team is coming together but still have a lot of work to do. We play next tomorrow night against a strong Lithuania team.

Erin hopefully gets here around September 20 or so. Looking forward to having her here and exploring our new home together. Miss her. We are going to try to combine blogs this year so we will alternate and hopefully do a better job of staying on top of it this season.
Hope all is well back in the states.

The photos below are from liepaja, our beach in Yuzhne and our gym. Our gym is very modern looking on the outside and I’m told its the best floor in all of Ukraine.






